Homebound Delivery Service

What is Homebound?
The Homebound Deliver Service provides free library delivery services to individuals who are Wood River residents and are unable to physically come to the Wood River Public Library.
You must have a current Wood River Library card. Delivery or pick up is available to individuals unable to come to the Library due to temporary or permanent mobility, health, or disability barriers. Whether you are at home, in assisted living, or in a nursing facility, you are eligible.
Contact Us
If you or someone you know is interested in receiving homebound services, you can:
call 618-254-4832 or
Fill out the form at the bottom of the page
Questions & Answers
Will someone call from the Library to discuss items that I may be interested in?
The Homebound Coordinator will contact the applicant to explain how to request items, as well as help with suggestions based off your application. Wood River Public Library delivers every other Friday.
How long can I borrow the items you bring me?
The lending period depends on the owning library. Generally you can renew your items one time.
Material that is due must be returned before new material will be dropped off.
Materials not available at the time of request will be placed on reserve and delivered when they become available. Please note there may be a waiting list for new and/or popular items.
Can you deliver new releases?
What materials are available?
The Wood River Public Library has a large collection of fiction and non-fiction (available in large print), as well as audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, and magazines that we can deliver.
We can also utilize the Illinois Heartland Library System's courier service to get you a larger selection of items.
Is there a limit to how much I can borrow?
The Library does not limit the number of books that may be borrowed through delivery, however there is a limit of 10 non-print (DVD, CD, audiobook) items per patron.
When will you be delivering materials?
Once we discuss what materials you are interested in, we will add you to our bi-weekly Friday delivery schedule.
How do I return items?
Material will be delivered and picked up from each participant's residence by Library staff.
Participants will not be charged late fees, however they will be charged the replacement costs for materials that are lost and/or damaged while in their possession.
How do I refer someone I know?
If you know someone who could potentially benefit from our Homebound Delivery Service, refer them today! Fill our the form on this page, call 618-254-4832 or email info@woodriverlibrary.org, and we will take care of the rest!